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Georgetown University college students told Fox News COVID-19 and climate change are their top priorities headed into the midterm elections.

“Certain populations are disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis, specifically black and Latino populations,” one student said. “Because of that it’s created a lot of health disparities [and] it’s made them more prone to COVID.”

Youth voter turnout for the 2022 midterm elections is on track to match record-high turnout from 2018, according to a report by the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy school. 

Georgetown student tells Fox News “climate change” is her top priority going into the midterm elections (Fox Digital)

One student who listed climate change as a top concern called Georgetown University’s Earth Day celebration “performative.”

“They were doing Earth Day kind of stuff last week and it’s just all kind of gone now,” the student said. “It felt a little performative by the school.”

Several students told Fox News COVID-19 is their top priority.

One student said, “COVID vaccinations and unequal distributions,” globally is a key issue to focus on. She added that some high-income countries are “hoarding” these vaccines. 

Georgetown University college student tells Fox News COVID-19 and mask mandates are his top priorities (Fox Digital)

Another student, who was wearing a mask, said that “COVID-19 and mask mandates” were his top priorities. 

Another male student said inflation and the economy are his top priorities, but these priorities are related to larger issues.

“I’ll go with inflation and the economy,” one student said. “I think it’s related to COVID too and … Russia so it’s like all related.”

One backpack clad co-ed told Fox News “freedom of speech,” tops the bill when considering his vote in the midterms. 

A college student tells Fox News “freedom of speech” is his main concern going into election season (Fox Digital)

Another student cited “stricter gun laws” as a pressing issue.

A student in glasses told Fox his primary focus is “transit issues,” since they are “crucial for social mobility.” 

One student told Fox News “abortion” is an important issue for him going into the midterm elections.

“My home state of Oklahoma just recently completely banned abortion which sucks for a lot of people,” he said. “A lot of people are going to die because of it.”