(Image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay)

(Image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay)

In an effort to comply with strict European Union standards based largely on the premise that mankind is causing catastrophic climate change, the Netherlands plans to force the sale and closure of 3,000 farms.

Significantly, the European nation is the second-largest exporter of agriculture in the world after the United States.

Farmers – who have been in revolt over the restrictions aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions – apparently will receive terms of up to 120% of the farm’s value. But they will have no choice in the matter, noted the National Pulse.

“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, the country’s minister for nature and nitrogen, told Dutch Parliament members last week.



The Dutch Council of State passed a law in 2019 requiring every activity that emits nitrogen to obtain a permit. Consequently, the expansion of dairy, poultry and pig farms, which produce nitrogen – in the form of ammonia – from animal manure has been curbed. And the law has caused delays in the building of new homes and roads.

The government’s goal is to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% by the end of the decade, which would put nearly 10% of the nation’s farms at risk.

Dutch farmers are protesting by blocking highways, burning hay bales, dumping manure and picketing outside the homes of public officials.

It’s beginning in the Netherlands. Masked people are coming in with loaders to move the Dutch Farmers out. They are stealing over 3000 farmers land and livelihoods.
People will beg for a sovereignty act when they start doing this in Canada. pic.twitter.com/OUUT0qysDK

— Bushels Per Acre (@BushelsPerAcre) December 1, 2022

The Dutch farmers are out in force today protesting the governments plan to nationalize and close down 3,000 farms to aid “climate change”…

🔊sound …🔥 pic.twitter.com/OMstYgcFdx

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) December 1, 2022

A Dutch farmer says “the government is not listening” and believes there is a “deeper agenda” behind the move.

Netherlands 🇳🇱

This Dutch farmer drops truth 💣 on the agenda to asset grab their land. #NoFarmsNoFood#FarmersProtestpic.twitter.com/AcjcXBgoKX

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) December 2, 2022

Dutch police attack farmers by trying to destroy their tractors…while those who stand in their way are beaten and arrested. Fighting the Great Reset was never going to be easy. pic.twitter.com/6tkS8CdYez

— Paul Hookem 🇺🇸 (@PaulHook_em) December 1, 2022

Scottish political commentator James Melville noted Dutch communities are showing solidarity with farmers by starting food cooperatives and farmers markets to buy directly from local farms.

National Pulse observed that the deficit in food production will be taken up by corporate giants, as seen in the United States, where JBS and Tyson dominate agriculture.

The corporatization of agriculture is being accelerated by the push by globalists such as the World Economic Forum for adopting a “sustainable” plant-based diet and eventually eliminating animal products. Corporations are best suited to deploy at scale genetic engineering and produce alternative protein sources such as plant-based meat, cultured meat and insects.

However, in countries such as India, the widespread use of genetically modified seeds has been a disaster for small farmers, the National Pulse noted. Farmers are committing suicide in record numbers over indebtedness to seed manufacturers such as Monsanto, which is now owned by Bayer, and the failure of the products to provide the promised benefits.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Leftwing billionaire George Soros bankrolls everything evil – most recently the 75 pro-criminal “Soros district attorneys” who have transformed America’s most dynamic cities into degraded, crime-infested hellscapes of skyrocketing violent crime. Soros also funds drug legalization, euthanasia, open borders, globalism, Black Lives Matter, “defunding the police,” devaluing America’s currency and destroying her sovereignty. But why?

Whistleblower magazine reveals and explores the stunning truth: Soros, an atheist, literally says he’s “some kind of god,” obsessed with re-creating the world in his image. Here are a few actual quotes from Soros: “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood…” “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” “You know, in my personal capacity I’m not actually a selfless philanthropic person. I’ve very much self-centered.” “I am kind of a nut who wants to have an impact.” “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. … I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Except he hasn’t “escaped it.” Not only is Soros totally mad, but he’s imposing his insanity on America. See Soros and the leftwing world he has created and funded as never before in

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